Regional enrollment

NARCONON - Prevenzione e riabilitazione da tossicodipendenza e alcolismo

Associazione Narconon Sud Europa is enrolled in Regione Lombardia, the region where it operated and had its headquarters, with Decree number 10983 of 11/27/2013 as a Social Promotion Association, in the appropriate section F) with Scope of action A) Social/Civil - Ethical and Spiritual research.

Here's the Decree:

Narconon Sud Europa Riconoscimento Regionale pag.1

Narconon Sud Europa Riconoscimento Regionale pag.2

Narconon Sud Europa Riconoscimento Regionale pag.3

We also received a beautiful acknowledgment from Regional Counsellor Dr. Maria Teresa Baldini, and we proudly show it here!

Narconon Sud Europa Riconoscimento Regione Lombardia

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